Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Rice Crispy Treats

For snacks when we studied the parts of a flower I made Crisp Rice Flowers. Here is the recipe. Line a 9x13 pan with foil. Butter the foil, set it aside. Over medium low heat in a large pot, melt together a 10 oz pkg of marshmallows and 3 tbsp butter.
Stir in 1/3 cup seedless raspberry jam and 6 cups crisp rice cereal. Mix well.
Press cereal mixture into the prepared pan. Brush the top with extra jam if desired and refrigerate 1 hour of til set.
Lift mixture for pan and cut out treats with flower shaped cookie cutter. I decorated the center with green sugar but the recipe from Ladies Home Journal, May 09, g 134 says to 'place a pink or white candy coated chocolate(M&M) in the center of each flower'.

On Monday I made Chocolate Crispy Squares adapted from a Weight Watcher magazine. The recipe is mainly the same,except after you melt the butter and marshmallows add 2 tablespoons cocoa. Then add the 6 cups of crispy rice and stir. Press into a 10x13 greased pan and refrigerate. In the WW magazine they were 2 point for a square.
Hope you enjoy!

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