Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Plotting out a great garden

Today we learn how to plot out our garden. Knowing how much space is needed between each plant is vital to creating a garden that has enough room for all the plants we want to grow. Efficient use of space also helps us raise more vegetables in the same garden space allotted.
In my reading I have been fascinated with reflective mulches. I had never heard or seen them used. In my research I learned that reflective mulches in Louisiana produced 58% more peppers than other mulches. So we cut up an emergency storm blanket(cheap reflective mulch) that I brought at Walmart. We put a square around one of each of their peppers to see if we could get more peppers. We weed and watered our garden .
We had apples and bananas for snack, then played 'Fly Away Ladybug' and had caterpillar races.

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