Monday, August 3, 2009

The End of Garden N Grow

We gathered buckets of produce. Then we went in the church to talk about what makes a scientist and to be scientific. We use the metallic mulch as an example of an experiment. From there we designed our experiment and will be able to tell if we prove our theory.
We ate ladybug cookies and bugs on a log. Then we went outside for ladybug toss and races.
This has been a wonderful experience for me. I have learned so much and I enjoyed each day. The kids were fabulous. They were smart and ready to Garden and Grow!

What's new?

On July 29th we learned how new plants are created. We talked about selection from seed as in the russet potato, cross pollination and mutants. Examples were given of many new vegetables and the kids were able to design their own creation. They were to explain how there plant was improved. They were very creative!
The harvest was great with peppers,zucchini and cucumbers.The banana bread was good.